D the Electrician

the Electrician

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Let’s start making your home and business work better for you.

Work safer for your family and colleagues, and work efficiently for our environment.  Stop thinking about it and let’s start doing it…..today!

Our Services

Electrical Maintenance

We will inform you when a system needs upgraded or renewed and provide you with the most adequate products with a focus on safety and energy efficiency. …

Electrical Advice

Not only do we take pride in helping you plan a more tech-friendly home and business, but installing new technology provides an extra sense of satisfaction to us.

Testing plug socket

Electrical Testing

Electrical testing is the testing of electrical systems within your home or business. If it is a newly installed circuit, it needs tested. If your fuse boards sticker is past next test date, it needs…

Electrical Repair

D the Electrician can carry out "fault finding" on any problem you encounter within your home or business. Once the fault is found, we will carry out a repair or if necessary replace the faulty…

Why Choose Us?

With many years experience and a guarantee that all work is completed to the highest possible standard, we are confident you will be satisfied with the quality of work.

  • Professional Experience

  • Competitive Rates

  • Satisfaction Guarantee

  • Honest & Dependable

  • Safety & Reliability

  • Superior Quality

In case of emergency call: +44 (0)77 6990 3303